Shunryu Suzuki once said ‘the whole universe tells the truth to the whole universe.’ I have often thought of those words and have glimpsed their deep meaning… but never so clearly as last Saturday afternoon on a hill overlooking Lawrencetown beach. The sun was shining bright and there was an unusually warm pleasant wind dancing around me for a mid-February day. What a glorious day to just sit.
Listening to the sound of the ocean waving to the shore, and then the sounds of the rocks being drawn down and back in, I was completely entertained. With these rhythms and patterns of nature’s music accented by the passing birds and bending of grass and trees filling my senses, Suzukis’ words came to mind. I noticed that the rocks don’t ask the ocean ‘why?’ And yet, they are in constant communication, each speaking absolute truth to one another, always. I saw that all things are like this, communicating fully, in a language of being.
When the volume of minds’ questions and answers subsides and I just listen, I can hear the One Song. The perpetual and everchanging melody of the universe. The sound of all things, in honest, open, and beautiful communication with all things.