All things, ever changing, always moving… what a joy to dance in the wind of come what may! Gather your trust, not in things, ideas, or people, but in the deep knowing-within that applies to all situations. There is wisdom in the quiet knowing. Listen.
And yet the Field in which this dance takes place… is always, eternal, open, still. And still these words cannot quite be right.
To know both, the dance and the field, for what they truly are (not), in the quiet of Knowing, is a true gift available to anyone who is curious about such things.
Practicing on the point of intersection between promoting greater health and well-being in the body and mind, and asking the most fundamental questions, such as “What is this grand mystery?” This is Yoga of Awakening.
Five Tuesdays: Nov 22 to Dec 20 – 7:30 – 8:45pm
All are welcome any Tuesday. see calendar.