“I don’t feel 70,” said Russell.

Article in today’s Chronicle Herald.

On some level, there is a truth to change and aging.  And yet, on another level much of what we experience is based on what we believe.  I was working with an elderly woman the other day and she mentioned that her doctor said that her torn rotator cuffs would never heal. Body in large part serves the mind, so if we believe this, it is certain to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I was asked recently, “What has Yoga done for you?”

This was a difficult question because it is a lifestyle and reaches every aspect of my experience, and yet I responded, “The air is sweet, my body feels good, and most of the time I can meet what arises with an open mind and heart.”

My body feels good! And strangely… even when it doesn’t. It’s hard to explain, but Yoga helps us to become more aware of the amazing magnificent mystery of the body, so then even the aches are a type of miracle.  But moreso, when you see the body for what it is, the caretaking of it becomes quite natural and more care generally has predictable results.

Natural caretaking is different that the goal driven attitude of whipping the body into shape. This common approach to fitness and health is a short term vision that often has stress and injury in its path. Yoga cultivates a reverence for the body that motivates our practice for the long term in a way that can bring joy, compassion, and longevity of a body well cared for.