What people are saying….

cartoon-speech-bubble-mdMandee brings so much more than yoga poses and teachings to her classes. She has a unique gift that nurtures and challenges each student in a way that they seem to need.  Her yoga classes always offer, but never force the student. All efforts and successes no matter how big or small are celebrated.Her gentleness, strength, compassion and wisdom are real and a true reflection of  a heart  that connects with all humanity. I am truly humbled and grateful to call her my friend. Yoga is not a sport to pick up and drop at random,( though you can) but a whole new way of being a truly present human being in all facets of your life. – Deirdre Rogers

Becoming a new mom this year has been challenging and chaotic at times. Yoga with Mandee has been a wonderful gift that I give to myself every week. It gives me such peace, joy, and stillness that restores my body and soul. I truly think it makes me a calmer and more present in all aspects of my life. Mandee is wonderful. – Jen ST