Yoga has always been more than exercise.
You have always been more than you think.
When we practice in this way, yoga can really help to open up our lives right where we are. So let us not minimize what yoga and meditation can do for the body and the mind with our current online schedule that falls into 3 Tracks:
Track A – Lifestyle – General weekly tune up and maintenance.
Yoga as “Lifestyle” involves a continual re-commitment to stretching and strengthening. We do this through the yoga flow to exercise the body systematically and with the regularity that the body requires for general maintenance and physical well-being.
In this track, we focus on learning the poses, reconnecting with our body and our breath, de-stressing, and coming more and more into the present moment. These classes will involve learning about the body and different systems, especially the respiratory system.
- Hatha I – Tuesdays 6 pm
- Hatha II – Thursdays 6 pm
- Hatha I+ – Saturdays 9:30 am
- Beginner Meditation – Tuesdays 8 pm
Track B – Advaita/Nonduality – The exploration of awakening to our True Nature through Yoga.
Yoga traditionally was always a path for those who were interested in transcending some of the common human trappings, and then with this discovery, the encouragement is then to learn how to embody this wisdom right here on earth in our daily lives. The word Yoga itself is a much deeper word that we give it credit for, but during any class we can see the seed of truth in that even just that peaceful feeling at the end of the class is already a simple homecoming.
What does it mean to come home? Would you be open to the possibility that within the Yoga tradition is a clear path of discover towards true and lasting peace and happiness? This track is for those who are truly curious of what more Yoga has to offer on our journey of Self-discovery.
- Yoga of Awakening (Peaceful, Restorative) – Wednesdays 8 pm
- Advaita Book Club (Satsang) – Wednesdays 6 pm
- Meditation of Awakening (Direct Path) – Sundays 8 pm
- Q & A Dialogue (Satsang) – Sundays 7 pm
Track C – Yogic Training – The dedication of the Yogi to the practice.
A compliment to Track A for the dedicated Yogi. In these classes, we take the physical practice a lot deeper. These classes are cumulative in that the practice can deepen with deeper, more consistent and dedicated practice. In ancient times, the yogi would live at the Gurukul and practice these classes every single day, usually starting at 4am. Those who are dedicated to Track C will have more classes and more options opening up for you. These classes come with homework exercises, special gifts, and surprise treasures. Your attendance is taken in these classes, so please make sure when you attend that your name is spelled correctly and that you have entered your email address correctly into the Zoom account if you would like to receive your surprises, gifts, and treasures.
- Yogic Strength Training (Dandhals) – Mondays 8 am
- Pranayama Yoga Training & Practice – Wednesdays 8 am
- Pranayama Yoga (Twice Weekly) – & Fridays 8 am
- Special Focus Group * Currently – Cleanse Training – Thursdays 8 pm