Fall Term 2 begins next week!

Upcoming YOGAHEART Schedule:

Tue&Thurs at CC Parish Hall in Dartmouth

Oct 23 – Nov 22, 2012 Tuesdays Thursdays
6:00-7:15 pm YOGA II YOGA I
7:30-8:45 pm YOGA & Meditation YOGA III

$40/5 weeks or $70 for twice a week or $10 drop-in.
* All those who register for 5 or 10 Tue or Thur night classes during registration week next week (oct 23-25) will receive punch cards, redeemable for prizes at the end of the term.

Wednesdays in HALIFAX
Absolute Wellness is conveniently located along Barrington (3090 Barrington St., Halifax) at the corner of Young St. near the Shipyards. Inside the side entrance there is really nice yoga studio where YOGAHEART is offering classes in Halifax. A 5 week YOGA & Meditation class will begin Nov 7, and is available only by reservation. If you are interested in attending these sessions, please call 229-9642 to reserve or email Mandee.

Nov 7 – Dec 5, 2012 Wednesdays
6:00-7:15 pm NSTU YOGA closed to public.
7:30-8:45 pm YOGA & Meditation By Registration $40/5weeks


Mondays in Cole Harbour
Cole Harbour Place continues this season to welcome Drop-In participants to yoga with Mandee on Monday nights. $11 drop in at the front desk ($8 for CHP members).

each Monday until Dec 3 Mondays
6-7:30 pm Beginner Yoga $11 drop in
7:30-9 pm Intermediate Yoga $11 drop in


More info about exciting new developments and upcoming workshops will be listed in the next YOGAHEART eNewsletter. If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter, the sign up is located at the top right of your screen. If you have any questions about this or anything listed above, please don’t hesitate to call 902.229.9642
