Surprise Saturdays!

Jump in with both feet this Saturday morning at the Parish Hall between 10 am and 12 noon for a less-talk-more-action fun n’ flowing YOGAHEART yoga class! Doors open at 9:45 am.

We will stretch into the main poses of legs, back, abs, shoulders and hips and strengthen them, as well as ‘mahat-yoga pranayam (‘the complete breath’ which combines Ab-Mid-and Upper chest breathing), ending with a guided relaxation.  A handout with the yoga poses covered in the session will also be provided.  If you’ve been enjoying or missing the Tues/Thurs Empower Hour and would like to double up with a 2 hour Yoga Immersion, just come on out, registration is not required.  Invigorate yourself and deepen your practice this weekend!

Date: Sat., Jan 22nd, 2011
Time: 10 am to noon.
Location: CC Parish Hall, 61 Dundas, Dartmouth
Cost: $15 at the door.

Come out and enjoy the gifts of Hatha Yoga!
Everyone Welcome!

Questions or comments?
(902) 229-9642