
Classes at CC Parish Hall continue until June 14, 2012. EVERY Tuesday and Thursday, either 6-7:15pm for Yoga Empower Hour or 7:30-8:45pm for Yoga of Awakening.
Call 902.229.9642 if you have any questions.

Spring has sprung here in the Maritimes. It is such a joy to open the windows and breathe in all that freshness these days. I was speaking with someone the other day about meditation, and she was asking my opinion about things. She was about to describe a few different methods and I asked her if she could hear any birds. She said perhaps… then I asked her to open a window. She did and could hear the birds immediately. I said, well many methods are good, it depends on what you are looking for and what suits you, but ultimately it’s hearing the birds.

For those that have been wondering about the trip to California… some were saying that the retreat actually takes effect once you get home. I must say, that seems to be true 🙂 There is a certain lightness of being that is staying with me like a glow. I am so happy to be back and the yoga classes are such a joy and Spring is here. Hooray for being and breathing and sharing and noticing.
