Aug 2024
Hello! How are you?
As some of you may know, our Yogaheart website is currently being updated. I’m looking forward to sharing what seems like a fresh wave of what’s new and what’s possible real soon.
SUNDAY – Direct Path Meditation
TUESDAY – Meditation for Inner Calm and Peace (community offering)
7 – 8 pm Eastern
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me.
Take kind care of yourself. Enjoy this beautiful month.
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When it’s time to attend your online program, you can click here:
or visit:
Important Details:
To attend –> Register by Paying for your classes here.
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I first started yoga eight months ago at a particularly stressful period in my life. In addition to the emotional stress, I was also experiencing a lot of physical discomfort in the form of headache, neck and shoulder pain and digestive difficulties. I have found the yoga breathing techniques have helped me tremendously in overcoming my stress and anxiety. I intend to continue my yoga practice as part of my daily life. ~ Barb
Mandee offers a lovely spiritual practice based on a sound knowledge of the physical aspects of yoga. ~ Lori
Yoga Heart truly delivers the highest teaching of what yoga really is and what it should be. Mandee draws from her amazing teachers and continues to pass her joy and knowledge onto her students. When you enter the room you are a part of the Yoga Heart family. Take everything you know (or thought you knew) about yoga and undo it all. What is revealed is the true self. You will learn everything from the history of yoga, healthy living, chanting, art and science (to name a few). Mandee is both spiritual and intellectual and asks that you challenge everything that is offered. Yogaheart Yoga Training is such of buffet of all things Yoga. Not only will you learn and be apart of an amazing lineage you are also encouraged to follow you own joy which is why Mandee spends so much time touching on all forms of Yoga. See where your heart takes you and follow it with full support from Yoga Heart.
Jodie Herenberg, Ontario
I have taken Mandee’s classes for about 4 years and have seen great changes in both my practice and my life. She has inspired me to respect my body, no matter where I am in my practice, and has taught me a new way to see the world around me. Mandee is an engaging, warm teacher that is always encouraging and educating her students in a way I have not found in other teachers. Through her classes I have learned asanas, as well as, ways to balance my life, my weight and my anxiety level. ~ Jenn
I am doing a 500hr YTTC in Thailand and I’ve had the pleasure of having Mandee as one of the main teachers there. She is very knowledgeable on all aspects of yoga, asanas, pranayama, phylosophy and goes thoroughly into anatomy, physiology and teaching methodology. Some of these subjects might seem boring to certain people but Mandee’s energy and enthusiasm make it fun and easy to follow and grasp. I’ve come to yoga practice some days very tired and left full of energy and not wanting to go in Savasana thanks to her love of sharing her passion and life. If you are thinking about taking Mandee’s YTT but you feel like something is holding you back. I say go for it all the way. You’ll never regret it and you’ll come out of it a new person. Cat Ohrel, New Zealand
In Yogaheart training your journey is encouraged and respected .I feel like I am always learning in a supportive environment. Emphasis is placed on personal experience while learning the important aspects of becoming a teacher. I know that when our group becomes teachers we will all bring forth the same respect to future students…honouring their path. I learn so much in yoga heart training about following my path to inner peace. The more I learn, the more I want to learn about yoga. Yet, the more I learn the more I realize how much there is to learn. Who knew Yoga was so expansive in every way. Taking this training has given me a sense of excitement about future endeavors. If yoga training is your interest you will find Mandee’s approach to peeling off the layers of life to allow room for expansiveness uniqueness and loving. How to we give to others to become teachers of our communities? We learn to find love within.Leah Parsons, Dartmouth NS
While taking the Chakra Yoga YTT at Pyramid Yoga in Thailand this Winter, I have personally experienced wonderful spiritual, emotional, and physical transformation. I would like to share how Mandee (Yogaheart), one of our teachers, has a magic about her teaching that makes me so comfortable and motivated in every class. She is a playful, wise, and talented yoga teacher. With her expert knowledge of the Chakras, energetic Anatomy, and techniques of Yoga, I’ve gained invaluable understanding and insight into the inner self, a sense of connection to this wonderful universe, and enough knowledge and experience to give me the confidence to teach. A big thank you to Mandee!Traci Latimer
I have been enjoying Mandee’s classes for many years now and have loved every minute. Mandee was my very first yoga teacher years ago and I still remember that first class. The gentleness of her voice the warm comfort in her class and the caring nature of her teaching. Every class is that way. I have had the pleasure of experiencing many fabulous teachers since that first class and I always find myself coming back to Mandee’s yoga classes. She is a truly gifted teacher always allowing room for the student to have their own experience while she gently guides them through the class. Mandee lives from her heart and this shines through in her teachings. I have made wonderful changes in my life through Yoga, and I will be forever grateful to Mandee and that very first class that started my journey and to every class I have taken since. I learn something new every time I experience her teachings. ~ Melissa
After completing YYTT, I took several other workshops and discovered that the type of training I received from Mandee was Trauma-informed. Mandee had taught me to use language that allows participants in my class to follow their own intuitive wisdom of the body. I feel this type of teaching is important to empower students to connect to what they need in any given class. I know my love of yoga and my desire to learn more came from honouring myself. Mandee allowed that transformation to occur. I recommend this type of teacher training for anyone who wants a “Yogaheart”.Leah Parsons, Dartmouth NS
I have never met anyone who is so perfectly-suited for what they do as Mandy is. She is a true believer who sincerely inspires by her actions, words and obvious joy. I find her refreshing and knowledgeable. She works hard at helping everyone feel good about their progress. ~ Lise
I first came to yoga classes eight months ago at a particularly stressful period in my life. In addition to the emotional stress, I was also experiencing a lot of physical discomfort in the form of headache, neck and shoulder pain and digestive difficulties. I have found the yoga breathing techniques have helped me tremendously in overcoming my stress and anxiety. I intend to continue my yoga practice as part of my daily life. ~ Barb
I’m really glad I took these classes. I’ve found myself getting stronger and calmer with each one. Now I’m confident to practice at home! ~ Laura Vermeulen
Thank you for showing and sharing the joy of being whole.
With a heart full of love and gratitude,
namaste’ Heather
Mandee brings so much more than yoga poses and teachings to her classes. She has a unique gift that nurtures and challenges each student in a way that they seem to need. Her yoga classes always offer, but never force the student. All efforts and successes no matter how big or small are celebrated. Her gentleness, strength, compassion and wisdom are real and a true reflection of a heart that connects with all humanity. I am truly humbled and grateful to call her my friend. Yoga is not a sport to pick up and drop at random, (though you can) but a whole new way of being a truly present human being in all facets of your life. ~ Deirdre
I had the great pleasure of being a recent student of Mandee’s during a Chakra Yoga Teacher’s Training in Thailand. Without a doubt, Mandee is one of the most passionate, kind, honest, and inspired teachers I have worked with. She teaches with a deep appreciation and knowledge of the Eastern Tradition, and with a dedication to fostering a truthful, compassionate, enjoyable, and learning rich yoga environment. She has a keen understanding of the human mind and psychology and an equally comprehensive understanding of the human body, movement, and alignment. As such, she is not only a wonderful teacher of yoga postures (asanas), but also a wonderful teacher of some of the often neglected, yet immensely important aspects of yoga including meditation, self-study, contemplation, energetics, and sound. Mandee will never fail to make you smile, laugh, or feel included in her classes. She always encourages light-heartedness and deep presence of mind. Mandee is a life long learner of the science of yoga, of the intricacies of the human condition, and of the mysteries of consciousness, life, and the universe. It was an honour to be part of her classes and a gift to have her share her knowledge and experience.Daniel Klein, Victoria BC
A year after having completed YYTT, I see that my life has gradually transformed. As my orientation towards myself shifted in the direction of loving kindness, life started to unfold in ways that affirm my trust in life and in myself. Life has always been the perfect teacher and playground, and I see that now. It is clear that my inner state is reflected in the world as I see it and that we are all interdependent in this dance of life. Looking back, there have been other changes too . . . in addition to slowing down, changing jobs and eating differently, I also spend more time doing things I truly enjoy. The more I grow in the direction of what I love, the more life continues to offer opportunities and experiences that remind me of the peace, joy and love that I am, that we all are. I even notice things differently, seeing love and feeling a sense of connectedness to the rest of life over things I used to think were small, such as my partner waiting at the ferry terminal to pick me up at the end of the workday. Gratitude continues to grow in me as I relax, breathe, listen, and simply notice. Thank you, Mandee, for offering a YYTT that invites exploration of the deepest questions in life. Your entire approach fosters knowing and experiencing one’s true nature. The most beautiful part, aside from sharing the journey, is that the journey never ends and it keeps getting better.Heather
Becoming a new mom this year has been challenging and chaotic at times. Yoga with Mandee has been a wonderful gift that I give to myself every week. It gives me such peace, joy, and stillness that restores my body and soul. I truly think it makes me a calmer and more present in all aspects of my life.
Wonderfully affirming. Mandee teaches how to stop worrying about how you are breathing and start enjoying the breath as the ‘candy of life’! ~ Karen
Just a brief note to say thank you for sharing the practice of yoga with me, as a beginner. Yoga is the best counselling session I have ever experienced. It brings me contentment which is not a state of mind that is common for me. Thanks!
I just wanted to say a big thank you to Mandee Labelle. What an inspirational teacher. She literally seems to eat sleep and breathe yoga. Mandee is so in love with yoga and it’s incredibly obvious not only does she have an incredible multitude of knowledge to share but she is also a great example of embodiment of the Yoga Spirit. Even lessons from the very first days have stayed with me and have become foundations of my own daily practice. I’m absolutely grateful that we have her here in Thailand sharing with us and can’t wait for tomorrow’s class!Josh Fairbrother, Vancouver BC
The best thing I ever did was hire Mandee to give private yoga lessons in my home, totally adapted to my needs. Her instruction and beautiful approach helped me to develop the habit and desire to practise every day, to say nothing of the physical benefits of flexibility and strength. What a gift for my life. Like they say on the commercial ‘priceless’. ~ Anne Moynihan, Retired Teacher
Mandee and I met at a period of my life when my energy was severely depleted as a result of surgery and post-surgery treatment. What is so precious about Mandee is her extraordinary ability to listen deeply, and to offer feedback on what she has heard directly and indirectly from her client about their needs. Mandee is not only gentle and compassionate in her listening, but also in her teaching. The at-home program which Mandee created for me/with me, allowed me to have a daily gentle yoga/meditation practice even at the very low level of functionality I had at the time. Miraculously, that practice has grown with me over 2 years – even as my energy level has increased dramatically. The practice is still relevant to me, physically, mentally and spiritually. It likely will continue to be relevant because it is so flexible.
I am so very grateful. ~ Carolyn
Thank you for addressing my questions in last night’s yoga class. The information you provided was very beneficial and I appreciate you taking the time to integrate these thoughts into the class. You are a wonderful, patient teacher! I especially identified with your comment that most of our stress, strife, and general imbalances in life originate from “arguing with the moment.” This is a very powerful idea that I know I will be keeping in my pocket, so to speak, for the rest of my days. ~ Tara
I am currently studying with Mandee from YogaHeart as part of my Chakra Yoga Teacher Training Course and have found her support exactly that…she IS the heart in yoga, teaching directly from her own and connecting my practice to mine. I have studied with many teachers worldwide yet none have delivered information in such a way as to create a completely stress-free environment and mindset to allow me to fully engage with the teaching, and to retain the information with ease. She has a passion for teaching and sharing the joy and FUN of learning, and has a great depth in understanding and experience in the practice of yoga and wisdom on our fascinating mind/body relationship. When teaching the science and anatomy material, she manages to communicate in a language that I can actually understand whereas previously, this part has been difficult for me to take in and apply. Anyone who has a curiousity in yoga, or is ready to immerse in the deep and beautiful waters of its lessons, either as a potential teacher or as a keen practitioner, would benefit from Mandee’s infectious passion and enthusiasm for yoga and LIFE!Nadia Staden, UK
I am really enjoying the offering of four times per week. I love the Friday night yoga and the meditation on Wednesday. You are by far the best yoga teacher I have ever encountered. The more I practice the more I want to practice. I have already adopted yoga as the primary fitness component of my martial arts training. The music is great and I find the way you encourage all of your students to practice from the inside out gives me the courage to accept where I am at, on any given day, and the courage to push those limits in a life affirming manner. Thank you again for everything. ~ George
I’ve returned to Yogaheart classes recently after a 3 year absence (I had two babies during that time) and it feels like coming home again. Mandee’s classes are pure joy. ~ Shannon Miedema
“I’m truly enjoying “Peaceful Yoga”. It may seem like a paradox, but this practice actually invigorates me. It allows me to do what doesn’t always come naturally: relax. In doing so, it does indeed create a space in which I can “be me”.” Kelly C
I began yoga to help recover from a very stressful period in my life that was now ending. Mandee and her teaching helped bring my body back to life, and helps me to create a different, more connected and happier way of being. ~ M. H.
Mandee’s classes are always inspired and inspiring, exploring body/breath/mind connections we didn’t know we possessed. I always leave feeling refreshed and revived. ~ Marilynn
I love, love, love the space that I find myself in, in the classes here at the Parish Hall. I love Love! ~ Correen
I am glad I joined this class. I find it very interesting. I wish I could take this class 3 times a week. ~ Khorshed
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed last evening’s 6 pm class. I almost didn’t attend as I had a busy day working hard in my yard, but caught my breath and decided to go. Not fully sure why, but things really came together for me both physically and mentally, and it felt so good. I am really enjoying your classes and look forward to continuing. Keep up your wonderful work! ~ Pat
Yytt meets you where you are in your yoga practice. There is no pressure to be the fittest or most flexible student. In yytt you will learn that yoga is so much more than the physical poses. Being with Mandee and fellow yoga lovers you will discover yoga is truly is a path to peace. Mandee’s enthusiasm for yoga and joy of life is contagious. This program has helped me so much to deal with my anxiety and the busyness of life. It is the best gift I have ever given to myself.Jennifer Stevens
I’m so happy I found you and Yogaheart. Your email (newsletter) is beautiful, just reading it fills me with peace and love. I worked today (in ER) and realized I don’t have to buy into the madness. Peace and love was there under all the noise and sickness, I was able to connect to it. Just like you said in class on Thursday. ~ Mary
For those considering training with Mandee: Wow!!! Mandee is amazing! There is so much to say about I am afraid I will not do her beautiful teaching, generous spirit and healing touch justice! Not only is her love for yoga contagious her knowledge on the subject is incredible. From chakra energy, mind-physio connection, mantras, yoga philosophy and history to class sequencing, assisting teaching methodology and anatomy (I could write a novel about how inspiring her anatomy classes are!) she is highly qualified in all. And the best part is that she presents the material in such a way that is easily relatable and attainable. I have done a few teacher trainings and advanced modules and the information can be overwhelming. Not with Mandee. I was able to retain and apply it all. That alone is something extremely hard to find when looking for a teacher training. Not only will you learn about yoga, you will discover more about yourself which you simply cannot put a price tag on. Life changing. I cannot recommend Mandee and her school enough. Know you will be in good and caring hands when you train with her. Thank you Mandee!Jenna Davi, San Francisco
The best thing I ever did was hire Mandee to give private yoga lessons in my home, totally adapted to my needs. Her instruction and beautiful approach helped me to develop the habit and desire to practise every day, to say nothing of the physical benefits of flexibility and strength. What a gift for my life. Like they say on the commercial ‘priceless’. ~ Anne Moynihan, Retired Teacher
Taking a private yoga lesson is quite a different experience from being part of a group in class. In a one on one lesson, the teacher’s attention is focused entirely on you and the lesson is custom tailored to your learning style, pace and needs. As a musician, I have found private yoga lessons with Mandee invaluable. The parallels one can draw between yoga and music making are endless. Mandee gives you a space to discover you unique self and provides tools and solutions for taking the resistance and fatigue out of living. The lessons themselves are fun and heartwarming too! I always walk away feeling energized and strong. I highly recommend the experience of private yoga lessons to my fellow musicians and to absolutely everyone. ~ Catherine Little, cellist
YYTT is helping me be my own friend again. I am gaining comfort in situations that used to make me uncomfortable and I notice an increased sense of trust in the face of uncertainty. Thanks to the kind approach Mandee fosters, my experience of life is becoming less scary and more joyful. It also is wonderful having this course take place over the year so I can be patient with myself, have more weekends to look forward to and actually notice my increasing comfort (in awkward situations or poses). I love it all!Heather Fraser, Dartmouth NS
I would highly recommend the Yogaheart Yoga Training to anyone! The YYTT provides a supportive atmosphere and offers a kindness that you will not find anywhere else. It is a wonderful and peaceful yoga teacher training program; one that encourages growth; confidence and supports its students in their own journey. From the moment you meet Mandee you know that she is not just another yoga teacher and that the YYTT is not just another Yoga Teacher Training. There is an incredible sense of community rooted throughout this program. In addition to its well thought out curriculum, the YYTT offers its students a variety of sessions and workshops. This “bonus” allows for the YYTT students to explore and be exposed to diverse areas that they may not have otherwise been exposed to or considered. Mandee has put her [Yoga] heart & soul into this program…you will not be disappointed. The continual support you will receive from Mandee and from the other members of this beautiful yoga community of ours is invaluable. The love, wisdom and support you will feel throughout this training is what will make going to Yogaheart Yoga Training every month a pleasure.
Christine Baurin, Dartmouth, NS
Attending Mandee’s yoga classes with Dartmouth Recreation and at yoga in the workplace has been a pleasure; a time to step back from life and listen to one’s body. ~ Debbie Stewart
I would absolutely recommend Yogaheart Yoga Teacher Training. Mandee Labelle, has created the program with love and from a place of understanding, where yoga is truly a way of life. YYTT is offering me exactly what I need to be where I am and to know, experience and love my Self. If you embark on YYTT, you will receive wise instruction that is full of heart, from somebody who lives and loves yoga. You will be encouraged to be patient with yourself, to do what you love and to take care of yourself. You will receive delicious and nutritious meals during yoga retreat weekends and very helpful information on a variety of related topics, such as Ayurveda, sound healing, etc. You will also be given a lifetime opportunity to come home, to recognize and actually experience your true, unchanging nature. If you want to know whether this is the program you are looking for, listen to your heart – it speaks only truth.
Heather Fraser, Dartmouth NS
I would recommend to anyone from a first time student, to a dedicated Yogi a yoga class or workshop by Mandee Labelle. As a busy mother of three I always leave her class feeling strong, rested and restored. Mandee exudes a passion for Yoga and has a genuine concern for her students. Her classes inspire, recharge and motivate you to live a healthier, happier, balanced lifestyle. My only regret being I wish I had come across Mandee’s yoga classes sooner in my life. Yoga is for everyone and Mandee’s classes are too! ~ Dorothy Levangie
I’d recommend the YYTT program to anyone who has a passion for learning to teach Yoga. The instructor, Mandee Labelle, is an incredibly gifted teacher who offers loving words of wisdom coming from many years of experience. Anyone who decides to enroll in the YYTT program will receive a comprehensive look at the richness and diversity of Yoga so that you can teach the subject to others confidently in whatever way brings you joy. There are many teacher training programs to chose from but I chose this one in particular because of the small class sizes, the gentle yet educational course work, and because of the instructor who I greatly respect.Troy Bagnell, Halifax, NS
A calming, lightening, joyful pause in my week. Thank you. ~ Susan Forsythe
A year after having completed YYTT, I see that my life has gradually transformed. As my orientation towards myself shifted in the direction of loving kindness, life started to unfold in ways that affirm my trust in life and in myself. Life has always been the perfect teacher and playground, and I see that now. The more I grow in the direction of what I love, the more life continues to offer opportunities and experiences that remind me of the peace, joy and love that I am, that we all are. Gratitude continues to grow in me as I relax, breathe, listen, and simply notice. Thank you, Mandee, for offering a YYTT that invites exploration of the deepest questions in life. Your entire approach fosters knowing and experiencing one’s true nature. The most beautiful part, aside from sharing the journey, is that the journey never ends and it keeps getting better.
Heather Fraser
Often it has been a challenge for me to find a yoga class that fit. I left a practice I enjoyed when I recently moved back to Nova Scotia and was extremely excited after my first session of “Yoga of Awakening”. The concepts discussed and practiced throughout were inspiring and in line with where I have been leading myself spiritually in recent months. Thank you for sharing your practice. I look forward to continuing in September. ~ Joanna
Yogaheart Dartmouth:
61 Dundas Street
YYTT & Special Events:
20 Boathouse Lane
Dartmouth, NS
3-644 Portland St., #229
Dartmouth, NS
B2W 2M3